Week 1 Holiday Power Rankings

January 1st, 2022 | As the new year is upon us, everyone scrambles for the top spot and increased observance going into 2022.

10. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): Not much to say here. Neighboring Super Bowl Sunday doesn’t help when all you have to offer is a woodchuck (aka groundhog, they are the same).

9. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): Statistics show less than 3% of consumers reported wishing or being wished a “Happy Groundhog Day”. This puts GD in the bottom tier of verbal observance.

8. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): After talks of trading dates with Halloween, Groundhog Day remains in early February and perhaps wishes it made the move to October. Another year of sitting, waiting, and wishing.

7. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): A general case of rent being due, GD lost out to the high costs of being a February holiday. Playing moneyball isn’t really an option unless Valentine’s Day somehow loses its wallet.

6. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): Slow improvements in place keep GD in the middle of the pack, but uncertainty in the merchandise department limits the upside. Groundhog Day has been in the lower half of merch since its flagship film, Groundhog Day (1993), offered its streaming rights.

5. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): While it may look ugly, Groundhog Day is holding its own. Still some concerns as franchise face, Punxutawney Phil, reportedly turns 132 years old next year. Sustainability is on the to-do list.

4. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): Steady numbers once again, at least 40,000 people attended the celebrations in Punxutawney, PA. The observers travel well, but an enclaved fanbase limits a holiday on the national scale.

3. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): Congratulations are in place for Groundhog Day securing a top three ranking. This is the first bronze run since 1993. They hope to see less shadows moving forward, or more depending on the vantage point.

2. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): Earlier in 2019, Groundhog Day was featured on Weather Channel’s most influential days of the year for its direct impact on winter’s longevity. Who isn’t going to partake in a day like this?

1. Groundhog Day (February 2nd): I think we can all agree here that nothing comes close to the ubiquitous praise of Groundhog Day. No holiday draws family and friends together like February 2nd, the day of the Groundhog. It makes sense why the popular idiom, “feels like groundhog day” is used to express pleasure in one’s routine.

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